

Our highly qualified and experienced staff services the needs within Merrylands to a wide variety of commercial, industrial and residential clients. All staff continue to diversify their skills and services to ensure that they remain up to date with all changes in the Electrical industry.

Electrical services we provide to Merrylands

You may wish to visit our services area of the website to find out more detailed information on the many and varied services we can offer to the Merrylands area.

  • Installation & maintenance electrical work-ranging from minor repairs to major projects
  • Testing and tagging of electrical equipment
  • Telephone wiring and networking
  • Exit & emergency lighting
  • Lighting installation
  • Energy management systems
  • Switchboard repairs
  • Ceiling fans installation
  • Powerpoints, dimmers and switches
  • Electrical re-wiring

We can meet your most basic needs for everyday electrical maintenance or can work with you to address major electrical projects, on-going maintenance contracts or highly specialised needs.

If you based in Merrylands and need an electrician then contact Langdon Electrical Services today.